Full Transparency - It's a Crowdfunding Campaign but Not

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So yeah, It's a Crowdunding Campaign but as Pre-Orders cause crowdfunding sites don't like firearms, or its accessories, or don't think your 2nd Amendment is worth the time...

To learn more about The Mag Feeder and its creation checkout our Story. But to add a bit of transparency to go along with that. I intended to launch this on a crowdfunding campaign, because who has $30,000 just chilling in the bank, not me, but if you do please consider contacting me.

So, back to my attempt to crowd fund this. As it turns out your 2nd Amendment and its accessories are highly frowned upon on all those sites, not frown upon but against the terms of service. Lets just say they don't like your freedom.

But, having paid for product development, video production, marketing, and patents costs I need a way to quickly recoup the cost. So, while I go thru the final steps of a Home Equity Line of Credit to make this happen I wanted to start pre-orders of The Mag Feeder to help offset the costs. So here I am. And here you are. Just reading the updates section when you could be over at the pre-order page getting a great deal. So, go checkout 'crowdfunding style' packages I have set up.

On the bright side, by not using a crowdfunding platform I don't have to pay the mediator to mediate and can pass this saving on to you! 

If paying for a product before it will ship isn't in your nature or best interest I fully understand I will be around and be selling these for the foreseeable future so please come back when I have stock. I only ask that perhaps you join the mailing list and come back when I have stock, but you will have to pay the full retail price at that time.

2nd Ammendment crowdfunding pre-order sale The Mag Feeder

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